Add a Hyperlink inside a wiki page

Let's first create a Basic Page on the IMAG wiki (a blank page):


  1. Once logged in, Hover over Content and Add Content and then select Basic Page to create a pageimage of how to add hyperlink 1


  2. Next, you will add your Title in the Title fieldimage of how to add hyperlink 2


  3. Go to the Body section and add the text and links you wish to addimage of how to add hyperlink 3



Now let's add a hyperlink inside this page:

  1. Select the text you wish to make a link. As an example, we’ll turn the word link into a link.image of how to add hyperlink 4


  2. Click on the link icon.image of how to add hyperlink 5


  3. Add the url within the Link box and then click Saveimage of how to add hyperlink 65


  4. Once you click Save, your selected link will be added into the Body.
  5. After you are satisfied with your addition, you can click Save at the bottom of the page or select Preview to see what the page will look like after the changes are publishedimage of how to add hyperlink 7


To unlink a link:

  1. Highlight the link that you would like to unlink. In this example, we will unlink the word link.image of how to add hyperlink 8


  2. Then, select the unlink iconimage of how to add hyperlink 9


  3. After you select the unlink icon, the link will be unlinked.
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