Return to: 2011 MSM Consortium Meeting Agenda
Agenda Wednesday October 5
Breakfast on your own
8:30 – 9:00am Check-In (Room E), Set up Posters (Room D)
9:00 – 9:15am Welcome from IMAG and NHLBI (Room C)
Grace Peng (IMAG), Jennie Larkin (NHLBI)
9:15 - 10:15am Keynote Lecture: Modeling the Human Microbiome: From Enzymes to Super-Organisms
- Elhanan Borenstein, University of Washington
10:15 – 10:30am Refreshments (Room E)
10:30 – 11:45am Theme 1 Presentations: Combining Data-Driven and Mechanistic Modeling Techniques (Part 1)
IMAG Moderator: Peter Lyster (NIGMS)
- 10:30-10:45am
- Bruce Caswell - Multi-Scale DPD Models for Red Blood Cells in Health and Disease
- 10:45-11:00am
- Vasilis Marmarelis - Synergistic use of data-based and mechanism-based modeling approaches
- 11:00-11:15am
- Scott Diamond - Multiscale prediction of patient-specific clotting function under flow.
- 11:15-11:30am
- Ahmet Erdemir - Chondrocyte Deformations as a Function of Tibiofemoral Joint Loading
- 11:30-11:45am
- James Moore - Multi-Scale Modeling of Lymphatic System Pumping and Signaling
11:45 - 12:30pm Poster Flash Presentations
- 11:45-11:55am - - Theme 1 Posters: (2.5 mins each) - IMAG Moderator: Rocky Feuer (NCI)
- 1. David Eckmann, Ravi Radhakrishnan - Modeling the motion of a nanocarrier for targeted drug delivery
- 2. Teresa Pitts - Coordination of cough and swallow in vivo and in silico
- 3. Kung-Sik Chan - Lung-airway Data Interrogation via Cluster Analysis
- 4. Andrew Dolan, Scott Diamond - A Quantitative Molecular Signaling Model of Calcium Regulation in a Homeostatic and Activated Platelet
- 11:55-12:02pm - - Theme 2 Posters: (2.5 mins each)
- 6. Jennifer Linderman – The role of tumor necrosis factor in granuloma function and reactivation TB
- 7. Raj Vadigepalli and James Schwaber - In vivo variability of regulatory programs and single cell physiology in central homeostatic control circuits
- 12:03-12:30pm - - Non-Themed Posters (2.5 mins each)
- 9. Stacey D. Finley, Marianne O. Engel-Stefanini, P.I. Imoukhuede, and Aleksander S. Popel - Multiscale Compartment Model of VEGF Distribution in the Body: Applications to Cancer Therapy
- 10. Princess I. Imoukhuede and Aleksander S. Popel- Quantitative Experimental Characterization of Angiogenic Receptors for Systems Biology
- 12. Tom Colace, MS Chatterjee, SL Diamond - Pairwise agonist screening and microfluidics reveal platelet function phenotype
- 13. Matthew H. Flamm, Talid Sinno, Scott L. Diamond - A Multiscale Model for Platelet Deposition
- 15. Roman S. Voronov, Timothy J. Stalker, Lawrence F. Brass, Scott L. Diamond - Image-based modeling as simple approach to studying thrombosis
- 18. Sriram Neelamegham - Systems Biology of Glycosylation
12:30 - 1:30pm Lunch on your own (cafeteria in building), View Posters (Room D)
1:30–2:45pm Theme 1 Presentations: Combining Data-Driven and Mechanistic Modeling Techniques (Part II)
IMAG Moderator: Tom Russell (NSF)
- 1:30-1:45pm
- Yoram Vodovotz - Combining Data-Driven and Multiscale Mechanistic Modeling to Explore Endotoxin-Induced Inflammation in Swine
- 1:45-2:00pm
- Roy Kerckhoffs - Patient-specific multi-scale modeling of cardiac resynchronization therapy for dyssynchronous heart failure
- 2:00-2:15pm
- Ching-Long Lin - An Individual Multi-scale Image-based Lung Model and a Statistics-based Strategy of applying it to Population-based Assessment of Lung Functions
- 2:15-2:30pm
- Katherine Zhang - An Integrative Multi-Scale Model of Extracellular Matrix Mechanics in Vascular Remodeling
- 2:30-2:45pm
- Sasha Popel - Computational Modeling and Bioinformatics of Cancer Angiogenesis at the Molecular, Cellular, Tissue, and Whole-Body Scales
2:45 – 3:15pm Theme 1 Discussion
IMAG Moderators: Peter Lyster (NIGMS), Tom Russell (NSF), Rocky Feuer (NCI)
3:15 – 3:30pm Refreshments (Room E)
3:30-4:50pm All Attendee Discussion with Working Groups (20 mins each)
- 3:30-3:50pm - Multiscale Systems Biology Working Group
- Dan Beard, Mike King, Sasha Popel
- Working group initiatives--seminars, wiki page, ABME special issue
- Soliciting feedback from attendees on our systems biology site: Is the material useful for researchers and trainees? What is missing? What should be focus on in 2012?
- (Slides to be presented at the meeting: Media:Systems Biology WG Oct5.pdf)
- 3:50-4:10pm - Biomechanics Working Group
- Ahmet Erdemir, Jay Humphrey
- Discussion on a new thematic monthly webinar series
- 4:10-4:30pm - Theoretical and Computational Methods
- Suvranu De
- An edited book on multiscale modeling in biology that features algorithms and successful examples of multiscale coupling of at least two scales in a theoretically consistent manner. Discussions will center around possible authors/groups and sub-areas.
- Plan for next year's activities of the WG, especially how we couple with the other WGs
- 4:30-4:50pm - Population Modeling Working Group
- Georg Luebeck, Stephen Eubank/Madhav Marathe
- Deriving population level phenomena from multiscale models of individual behavior. What are the challenges?
4:50 – 5:10pm Special Discussion: High-Performance Computing Challenges in MSM
Discussants: Gabrielle Allen (NSF-OCI), Susan Gregurick (DOE-BER)
5:10-5:15pm Closing Thoughts - Day 1
6:30pm Group Dinner in Downtown Bethesda
- Shangri-La Indian Nepali Cuisine
- 7345-A Wisconsin Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814