2012 MSM Registration


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Name Title Affiliation Email Attending Dinner (Y/N)
Stephanie Sabourin IMAG Logistics Coordinator NIBIB/NIH sabourinsm@mail.nih.gov Y
Grace Peng IMAG Chair NIBIB/NIH grace.peng@nih.gov Y
Daniel Beard Professor Medical College of Wisconsin beardda@gmail.com Y
Salvatore Sechi Program Director NIDDK/NIH sechi@nih.gov N
Jacek Capala Program Director NCI/NIH capalaj@mail.nih.gov Y
Linda Petzold Professor UC Santa Barbara petzold@cs.ucsb.edu N
Donna Lochner Associate Director FDA/OSEL donna.lochner@fda.hhs.gov N
Tina Morrison Research and Review Scientist FDA/CDRH/ODE tina.morrison@fda.hhs.gov Y
Ashley Xia Program Officer NIAID axia@niaid.nih.gov N
Ellen Kuhl MSM Member Stanford University ekuhl@stanford.edu N
Terry Sanger MSM Member USC tsanger@usc.edu N
Susan Volman Program Officer NIDA/NIH svolman@nida.nih.gov Y
Paul Brazhnik Program Director NIGMS/NIH brazhnikp@mail.nih.gov N
Ahmet Erdemir MSM Member Cleveland Clinic erdemira@ccf.org Y
Yoram Vodovotz Director Center for Inflammation and Regenerative Modeling Professor of Surgery, Immunology, Computational and Systems Biology, Clinical and Translational Science, and Communication Science and Disorders University of Pittsburgh vodovotzy@upmc.edu N
David Christini Professor Weill Cornell Medical College dchristi@med.cornell.edu Y
Dalin Tang Professor Worcester Polytechnic Institute dtang@wpi.edu Y
German Cavelier Health Science Administrator NIMH/NIH gcavelier@mail.nih.gov N
David Eckmann MSM Member University of Pennsylvania David.Eckmann@uphs.upenn.edu N
Bill Cannon Sr. Scientist Pacific Northwest National Laboratory william.cannon@pnnl.gov Y
Aleksander Popel Professor Johns Hopkins University apopel@jhu.edu Y
Ilya Rybak Professor Drexel University College of Medicine rybak@drexel.edu Y
Craig Giroux Scientific Review Officer CSR/NIH girouxcn@csr.nih.gov N
Jim Sluka Research Scientist Biocomplexity Institute, Indiana University jsluka@indiana.edu N
Jay Humphrey MSM Member Yale University jay.humphrey@yale.edu N
Ronan M.T. Fleming Assistant Professor University of Iceland ronan.mt.fleming_at_gmail.com Y
Ilias Tagkopoulos Assistant Professor University of California, Davis iliast@ucdavis.edu Y
Wing Kam Liu Walter P. Murphy Professor Northwestern University w-liu@northwestern.edu N
Wonmuk Hwang Associate Professor Texas A&M University hwm@tamu.edu Y
Roger Miller Program Director National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, NIH millerog@mail.nih.gov N
Stacey Finley Postdoctoral Research Fellow Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine sdfinley@jhu.edu Y
Lealem Mulugeta Project Scientist Universities Space Research Association, DSLS, NASA Digital Astronaut Project mulugeta@dsls.usra.edu Y
Howard Salis Assistant Professor of Biological Eng. & Chemical Eng. Penn State University salis@psu.edu N
Ben Ellis Associate Director Musculoskeletal Research Laboratories University of Utah ben@sci.utah.edu Y
Ching-Long Lin Professor University of Iowa ching-long-lin@uiowa.edu Y
Denise Kirschner Professor University of Michigan kirschne@umich.edu N
Jennifer Linderman Professor University of Michigan linderma@umich.edu N
William Lytton Professor SUNY Downstate billl@neurosim.downstate.edu Y
JoAnne Flynn Professor University of Pittsburgh joanne@pitt.edu N
Daniel Einstein Senior Research Scientist Pacific Northwest National Laboratory daniel.einstein@pnnl.gov Y
Andrew Kuprat Staff Scientist Pacific Northwest National Laboratory andrew.kuprat@pnnl.gov Y
Sriram Neelamegham Professor Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering State University of New York neel@buffalo.edu Y
Sandra Rugonyi Associate Professor Oregon Health & Science University rugonyis@ohsu.edu Y
Carl Berdahl Comp. Neuro. WG Member American Airlines Carl.Berdahl@verizon.net Y
Suvranu De Professor Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute des@rpi.edu Y
Sam Neymotin Postdoc Yale University / SUNY Downstate samuel.neymotin@yale.edu Y
Josh Skolnick Grad Student CUNY Brooklyn / SUNY Downstate yosefs@neurosim.downstate.edu N
Herbert Sauro Associate Professor University of Washington hsauro@u.washington.edu Y
Maciej Swat Associate Scientist Biocomplexity Institute, Indiana University mswat@indiana.edu Y
Yaling Liu PC Rossin Assistant Professor Lehigh University yal310@lehigh.edu Y
Maurizio Tomaiuolo Postdoc University of Pennsylvania mtomai@mail.med.upenn.edu N
Stephen Marcus Epidemiologist and Program Director NIGMS/NIH marcusst@mail.nih.gov N
C. Anthony Hunt Professor University of California, San Francisco a.hunt@ucsf.edu Y
Abbas Shirinifard Research Associate Biocomplexity Institute, Indiana University ashirini@indiana.edu Y
Chase Cockrell Department of Surgery University of Chicago cockrell@uchicago.edu N
Scott Christley Department of Surgery University of Chicago schristley@uchicago.edu Y
Jacob Barhak Freelancer (http://sites.google.com/site/jacobbarhak/)   jacob.barhak@gmail.com Y
Marty Kohn Chief Medical Scientist, Care Delivery Systems IBM Research marty.kohn@us.ibm.com Y
Peter Lyster Program Officer NIH lysterp@mail.nih.gov N
Vasilis Marmarelis Professor University of Southern California vzm@usc.edu Y
Raj Vadigepalli Assistant Professor Thomas Jefferson University rajanikanth.vadigepalli@jefferson.edu Y
Peter Hunter Professor Auckland Bioengineering Institute p.hunter@auckland.ac.nz Y
Jim Schwaber Daniel Baugh Endowed Professor Thomas Jefferson University james.schwaber@jefferson.edu Y
Louis Gross Director NIMBioS University of Tennessee gross@NIMbioS.org Y
Krishnan B. Chandran Professor Biomedical Engineering University of Iowa chandran@engineering.uiowa.edu Y
H. S. Udaykumar Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Iowa hs-kumar@uiowa.edu Y
M. L. Raghavan Professor, Biomedical Engineering University of Iowa ml-raghavan@uiowa.edu Y
Jia Lu Assoc. Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Iowa jialu@engineering.uiowa.edu Y
James Buchholz Asst. Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Iowa james-h-buchholz@uiowa.edu Y
Ed Sander Asst. Professor, Biomedical Engineering University of Iowa edward-sander@uiowa.edu Y
Roger Mark Professor, Health Sciences and Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology rgmark@mit.edu N
Robert McDougal Postdoctoral Associate Yale University robert.mcdougal@yale.edu Y
Tommaso Mansi Research Scientist Siemens Corporation, Corporate Research and Technology, Imaging and Computer Vision technology field tommaso.mansi@siemens.com Y
Xiaobo Zhou Professor The Methodist Hospital Research Institute XZhou@tmhs.org Y
Michael King Associate Professor Cornell University mike.king@cornell.edu N
Andrew McCulloch Professor of Bioengineering and Medicine University of California San Diego amcculloch@ucsd.edu Y
Rhonda Dzakpasu Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor Georgetown University dzakpasu@physics.georgetown.edu Y
James Moore Jr. Carolyn S. and Tommie E. Lohman '59 Professor Department of Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University jmoorejr@bme.tamu.edu Y
Jonathan Lederer Professor & Director - BioMET – Center for Biomedical Engineering and Technology Professor of Physiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine jlederer@umaryland.edu N
Scott Berceli Professor University of Florida bercesa@surgery.ufl.edu N
Natalia Trayanova Murray B. Sachs Endowed Professor of Biomedical Engineering Johns Hopkins University ntrayanova@jhu.edu N
Scott Diamond Chair, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department; Director, Penn Biotechnology Program; Director, Penn Center for Molecular Discovery University of Pennsylvania sld@seas.upenn.edu N
Mounya Elhilali Assistant professor Johns Hopkins University mounya@jhu.edu N
Pankaj Qasba NHLBI Systems Biology co-Chair NHLBI/NIH qasbap@nhlbi.nih.gov N
Michael Sanderson Professor, Dept of Microbiology and Physiology Systems University of Massachusetts Medical School Michael.Sanderson@umassmed.edu N
Jason Bates Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary/Critical Care Division, Interim Director, School of Engineering University of Vermont jason.h.bates@med.uvm.edu Y
Anne-Marie Lauzon Associate Professor, Meakins-Christie Laboratories McGill University anne-marie.lauzon@mcgill.ca Y
Kendall F. Morris Professor University of South Florida, Tampa Florida kmorris@health.usf.edu Y
M. Saleet Jafri Professor George Mason University sjafri@gmu.edu N
Teresa Pitts Postdoctoral Fellow University of Florida tepitts@ufl.edu Y
Marc Garbey Professor University of Houston garbey@cs.uh.edu N
Katherine Zhang Associate Professor Boston University yanhang@bu.edu N
Markus Jochen Buehler Associate Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology mbuehler@MIT.EDU N
Steven Krosnick Program Director NIBIB/NIH krosnics@mail.nih.gov N
Mark Kramer Assistant Professor Boston University mak@bu.edu Y
Mary Ann Horn Program Director NSF/Division of Mathematical Sciences mhorn@nsf.gov N
Mike Bindschadler Postdoctoral Fellow University of Washington mikebind@uw.edu Y
Belinda Seto Deputy Director NIBIB/NIH Belinda.Seto@nih.gov N
Bill Heetderks Director of Extramural Programs NIBIB/NIH William.Heetderks@nih.gov N
Heidi Sofia Program Director NHGRI/NIH Heidi.Sofia@nih.gov N
Leslie K. Derr Program Director Office of Strategic Coordination/OD/NIH derrl@mail.nih.gov N
Feilim Mac Gabhann Assistant Professor Johns Hopkins University feilim@jhu.edu Y
Valerie Florance Associate Director for Extramural Programs National Library of Medicine, NIH florancev@mail.nih.gov N
Mark Caprara Scientific Review Officer Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health capraramg@csr.nih.gov N
George Moody PhysioNet Guy Massachusetts Institute of Technology george@mit.edu N
Gianluca Lazzi Chair and Professor, ECE Dept. The University of Utah lazzi@utah.edu Y
Vasant G. Honavar Professor of Computer Science and of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Program Director, Information and Intelligent Systems Program Iowa State University, National Science Foundation honavar@cs.iastate.edu, vhonavar@nsf.gov N
David Z. D'Argenio Professor University of Southern California Los Angleles dargenio@bmsr.usc.edu Y
Don Bolser Professor University of Florida bolser@ufl.edu Y
Thomas Hagan   University of California, San Diego tlhagan@ucsd.edu Y
Michael Saunders Professor Stanford University saunders@stanford.edu N
Yuekai Sun PhD candidate Stanford University yuekai@stanford.edu N
Dorin Comaniciu Head, Imaging and Computer Vision Siemens Corporate Technology dorin.comaniciu@siemens.com N
Manana Sukhareva Scientific Review Officer National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, NIH sukharem@mail.nih.gov N
Libet Garber Scientific Reviewer FDA/CDRH/ODE libet.garber@fda.hhs.gov N
Silvina Matysiak Assistant Professor University of Maryland matysiak@umd.edu N
Joseph Lucas Assistant Research Professor Duke University joe@stat.duke.edu N
Richard Conroy Program Officer NIBIB/NIH Richard.Conroy@nih.gov N
Bindi S Brook Senior research fellow University of Nottingham, UK bindi.brook@nottingham.ac.uk N
Gregory Bloss Program Officer NIAAA/NIH Gregory.Bloss@nih.gov N
Richard A. Gray Biomedical Engineer Food and Drug Administration Richard.Gray@fda.hhs.gov N
Jerry Li Program Director NCI/NIH jiayinli@mail.nih.gov N
Kevin Shelburne Senior Research Scientist The University of Denver kevin.shelburne@du.edu Y
Tom Russell Senior Staff Associate NSF/Office of Integrative Activities trussell@nsf.gov N
Michelle Dunn Program Director NCI dunnm3@mail.nih.gov N
Chris Kelley Director, Division of Discover Science and Technology NIBIB/NIH kelleyc@mail.nih.gov N
Georgiy Bobashev Senior Statistician RTI International bobashev@rti.org Y
Virginia Pasour Program Manager, Biomathematics US Army Research Office virginia.b.pasour.civ@mail.mil N
Pras Pathmanathan Biomedical Engineer FDA Prasanna.Pathmanathan@fda.hhs.gov N
Ted Berger : David Packard Professor of Engineering, Professor of Biomedical Engineering University of Southern California berger@usc.edu N
Roman Voronov AHA Postdoctoral Fellow University of Pennsylvania rvoronov@seas.upenn.edu Y
John Y-J Shyy Professor of Biomedical Sciences University of California john.shyy@ucr.edu Y
Traci LaNai Marin Graduate student University of California tmari001@ucr.edu Y
Preethi Chandran Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering Howard University preethi.chandran@nih.gov N
George Williams Postdoctoral Fellow University of Maryland, School of Medicine gswill@umaryland.edu N
Fred K. Friedman Program Director NIH fred.friedman@nih.gov N
Brendan Gongol Graduate student University of California, Riverside bgong001@ucr.edu Y
James Park Graduate Student University of Delaware/Thomas Jefferson University parkjams@udel.edu N
Hirenkumar Makadia Research Assistant Thomas Jefferson University hirenkumar.makadia@jefferson.edu Y
Madhav Marathe Professor, Computer Science and Virginia Bio-Informatics Institute Virginia Tech mmarathe@vbi.vt.edu Y
J Thomas Peterson Chief – Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies CSR/NIH petersonjt@mail.nih.gov N
Susan Gregurick Program Manager Department of Energy Susan.Gregurick@science.doe.gov ?
Pedja Neskovic MSM Member BAH predrag.neskovic.ctr@darpa.mil Y
Jennifer Couch Branch Chief Structural Biology and Molecular Applications Branch NCI/NIH couchj@mail.nih.gov N
Zahra Sotoudeh Assistant professor Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute sotouz@rpi.edu Y
Tony Macula Program Officer NSF/Division of Mathematical Sciences amacula@nsf.gov N
Janet L. Paluh Associate Professor Nanobioscience College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering University at Albany, SUNY jpaluh@albany.edu N
Jennie Larkin   NHLBI/NIH Larkinj2@nhlbi.nih.gov N
Misha Pavel   NSF mpavel@nsf.gov  
Amy Swain   NIGMS/NIH swaina@mail.nih.gov  
Thomas Dick   CWRU thomas.dick@case.edu  
Rishi Dhingra   CWRU rishi.dhingra@case.edu  
Joseph Greenstein   JHU jgrennst@jhu.edu  
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