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April 13, 2019 BRAIN U19 Data Science Consortium meeting
20180409_u19_modeling_subgroup_overview_0.pptx51.91 KB
- Aaron Milstein
- Need a relationship to establish long-term experience between theorists and experimentalists (postdocs to stay multiple weeks)
- Personnel exchange - housing costs
- takes time to write a theory paper - culture bridge
- BRAIN 2.0 wants bigger theories
- Need more publications on new theories
- Data analysis is not theory development
- Data analysis may be easier to publish
- better distinguish between theories and models for bigger theories (e.g. what is a predictive model deliverable for the U19s?)
- Not enough Theory RFAs, or promotion of theories explicitly in the RFA
- Theories, Models and Methods RFA offers 3 year awards - too short, need 5 year awards
- really need to keep promoting theory-driven, model-driven experimental design
- take advant of EAB to move theories earlier in each U19 project
- hard to work between U19
- post working theories and models on the wiki as much as possible!
- host webinars on modeling
- postdocs travel between U19's
- workshops to train (model credibilities) - web workshops
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