Model Sharing Working Group 2012 Discussion Page

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About the Model and Data Sharing Working Group

This group was established during the 2012 MSM meeting by merger of the Model Sharing Working Group and the Data Sharing Working Group.

See Model and Data Sharing Working Group. As noted there, the specific goals of this Working Group are to:

  • Develop and promote:
    • modeling standards
    • software for authoring, visualisation and simulation of models
    • repositories of models and experimental data to facilitate model reproducibility, model sharing, and model enhancement
  • Foster the pairing of models with data. Models accompanied by data that provide evidence of validity will serve as milestones of scientific progress.
  • Archive data and models in forms convenient to potential users, and develop archives that will have permanence.

Model and Data Sharing Working Group 2013 Plans


  • Why aren't standards for multicellular/multiscale modeling being developed?
  • Is there a community need for such standards?
  • Has there been a meeting dedicated to developing standards in multiscale/multicellular?
  • Should a community be grown with an interest in developing such standards?
  • Other biological fields such as subcellular and synthetic biology have been successful in setting up standards, why not the multicellular/multiscale community?
  • Can data be usefully shared without associated models?
  • Should models ever be published without associated data?
  • Can existing archives (e.g. PhysioNet[1], Physiome [2]) be used for data and model sharing or do we need a new one?
  • Are new resources required to establish a MSM archiving function?
  • How important is it to agree on a common modeling language? A common format for physiologic data (waveforms)? Are translators required?
  • What is the current status of sharing models and data? Are investigators sharing at all?
  • What are the barriers to data and model sharing?
    • Proprietary concerns?
    • Technical concerns?
      • Software compatibility?
      • Format incompatibility for signals?
    • Resource limitations?
  • What would be the benefits of data/model sharing? What are the risks of sharing? What are possible motivations for sharing?

Model Sharing WG 2012 Report for 2011/2012

Download Slides for Model Sharing Progress Report


Wednesday October 19, 2011 4-5pm ET Discussion topic: Model reproducibility and component/parts repositories Please download slides here


1. "Developing Multi–Scale, Multi–Cell Biological Simulations with CompuCell3D and SBW"

Joint Training Workshop, July 30th – August 3rd 2012, at the Hamner Institute for Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

2. Lorentz Center QuantTissue: Joint Training Workshop — October 8th – October 13th, 2012

Preliminary Plans for 2012/2013:

To invite external speakers to present new developments in biomedical standards.

The first suggested presentation will be on model composition: Suggested contributors Lucian Smith and/or Chris Myers.


July 2013 Pan American Workshop on multiscale modeling organized by James Glazier et al

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