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Osmonauts - Dmitry Rinberg. Cracking the Olfactory Code
Abstract 2:
Title: Automated segmentation of ROIs in odor-evoked glomerular imaging
Abstract: We collected spatiotemporal patterns of activity in the olfactory bulb glomeruli across multiple odors with one-photon calcium imaging. Data is the stack of 256 x 256 pixel fluorescent images collected with CCD or CMOS camera at 100hz. Odors used for a single set of experiments contains 8-10 monomolecular odors and 16-25 binary odor mixtures at two different concentration levels. Although there exist multiple algorithms used for automated segmentation of ROIs in calcium imaging data, application of those algorithms is challenging due to multiple factors that are unique to our experimental preparation. The challenges include densely packed spatial organization of glomeruli, scattering of fluorescence to neighboring ROIs and strong hemodynamics signal that contaminates neuronal activity dependent fluorescence changes.