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U19 Project "Oxytocin Modulation of Neural Circuit Function and Behavior", Modelers: Robert Froemke, Simon Chamberland; PI: Dick Tsien, NYU. Our group models neuromodulation of socio-spatial neural dynamics and behavior at multiple levels. At the single-cell level, we model channel biophysics, synaptic transmission and spike generation, how oxytocin is released, and how target synapses/neurons are modulated/modified to change neuronal firing mode. At the network level, we model ensemble dynamics with integrate-and-fire neurons, and model inter-areal communication to understand connectivity and cell-type contributions. Most of the modeling is done with NEURON or Matlab.
- U19 – brief description of overall project goals, competing circuit theories being developed/studied/integrated: modeling_slide_tsienu19.pdf
- Description of how Data Science Core is complying to the criteria of the FAIR principles:
- List of Data Types in U19:
- Common Data Elements in U19:
- Data Sharing goals in U19:
- Data science tools being used in project:
- Data science tools being developed for project:
- Data science approaches to be shared with other U19’s:
- Data science challenges that could benefit from discussion with other U19’s:…
Tools developed in our group
A graphical user interface and a standardized pipeline for exploring and classifying single cells acquired using extracellular electrodes, like silicon probes or tetrodes. The platform is open-source and available to download from GitHub. Please visit the dedicated at for more information and check out our demo video.
Brainstem (brain structured experimental metadata) is a tool for describing, organizing, and sharing experimental data. It works as an electronic notebook, providing a centralization and standardization of experimental metadata. A prototype of this tool has been deployed in the Buzsáki Lab, and a beta version for broad distribution is currently under development.
brainstem has a customizable web interface built on a flexible data model and functions as an electronic lab notebook that allows for the organization of experiments and raw data. Granular access control enables collaboration within or across labs. The database of metadata can be accessed through either a web interface or REST API for programming access.
Please contact us if you are interested in learning more.
Submissions for BRAIN Initiative Data Reuse Project:
- Theta rhythm perturbation by focal cooling of the septal pacemaker in awake rats
- Population Ca2+ activity across limibic system during social behaviors
- Oxytocin signaling and synaptic plasticity underlying socio-spatial behavior in mice
2021 Brain PI Meeting
Link to Poster:
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