Population Modeling Working Group - 2014 MSM

Population Modeling Working Group

Working Group co-leads: Madhav Marathe(link sends email) and Alison Galvani(link sends email)


Goals and Objectives:

One of the fundamental challenges of multiscale modeling is to provide insights into collective processes and phenomena emerging in populations of individuals (or individual components) from their basic characteristics and interactions. Put more simply, it is the problem of scaling behavior from one to many, to identify relevant summary statistics and the order parameters that operate on higher scales. While our focus is mainly on human populations, the mathematical, statistical and computational issues that arise in predicting population-level properties (e.g., population dynamics, growth, extinction, migration etc) also arise in populations of molecules, bacteria, viruses, organelles, cells, and tissues. The primary goal of this WG is to survey the field of population modeling across multiple scales, introduce basic population concepts used in statistics, genetics and survival analysis, and to provide links to resources and available software. The WG invites discussion of examples, case studies and important papers in the field. It is meant to be and open and evolving forum.


MSM Meetings

2013 Meeting

Presenters and Abstracts for Public Health and Behavioral Modeling Theme

More Information at https://www.imagwiki.nibib.nih.gov/content/public-health-and-behavioral-modeling-theme
Marcel Salathé, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biology & Computer Science and Engineering
Penn State University
  • Topic of Talk. Using Social Media to Measure Public Health Dynamics
Shweta Bansal, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
Georgetown University
  • Topic of Talk. Network Models for Infectious Disease Dynamics
John Brownstein, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Harvard University School of Medicine
  • Topic of Talk. Digital Disease Detection
Alex Vespignani, Ph.D.
Professor, Laboratory for the Modeling of Biological and Sociotechnical Systems
Northeastern University
  • Topic of Talk. Numerical Models of Global Epidemic Spreading in the Data Science Age

Funding Opportunities:

R13 to foster/build interdisciplinary research teams: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-10-106.html

PAR-11-203 Interagency U01 on Predictive Multiscale Models for Biomedical, Biological, Behavioral, Environmental and Clinical Research: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-11-203.html


  • What are the challenges and goals of population modeling?

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013, Jacob Barhak <jacob.barhak@gmail.com(link sends email)> discussed challenges and goals for the Population Modeling Working Group

Please view his comments at https://www.imagwiki.nibib.nih.gov/content/talkpopulation-modeling-working-group.

Challenges and Opportunities:

Disease Modeling:

  • Cancer:
    • Scales: genomic, cell-level, tissue-level, population-level
    • Targets:
      • a) temporal patterns: incidence, survival, mortality
      • b) spatial patterns: geographic/ethnic and socioeconomic factors, risk factors, ...
      • c) impact of screening and interventions
    • Data:
      • a) genomic (transcriptome, genome, metabolome, proteome, ...)
      • b) genetic model systems (e.g. murine), chemical carcinogenesis, animal studies, ...
      • c) cohort data, case-control data
      • d) registry data (e.g. SEER)
    • Methods/Models & Approaches:

(fill in)

  • Infectious Diseases
    • Scales:
    • Targets:
    • Data:
    • Methods/Models & Approaches:
  • Other (e.g. economic development, ethnic conflict, war, ...)

Journal Articles:



Chris Barrett will bring a fresh, broad perspective to issues related to scaling simulations to large populations, incorporating population heterogeneity, and especially an analysis of validation and the role of prediction.

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