C. Anthony (Tony) Hunt is Professor of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy, The University of California, San Francisco. He directs the BioSystems Group. His focus is mammalian systems (healthy and morbid). The group develops and uses modeling and simulation methods to achieve deeper insight into the networked, layered, macro- and micromechanisms that link fine grain events with higher level phenomena across scales in the presence and absence of interventions. The groups MSM use case are center-left in this figure Media:Fig1-4-.jpg. We engineer in silico, mechanistically explanatory models that, in the face of biological variability and considerable uncertainty, are suitable for discovering and validating plausible, causal linkages in healthy and morbid systems, and improving existing and discovering new therapeutic interventions as well as predicting intervention consequences.
Here is Tony’s NIH biosketch Media:Hunt'sNIHBiosketch26Sep12.pdf.
Here is a picture Media:Hunt'sPicture.jpg.
Recent publications are posted here Hunt's publications.