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Describe your models here: include model methodology, architecture, data used, experiments being driven
- U19 Project "Spinal Circuits for the Control of Dexterous Movement", Modelers: David Golomb and Tatyana Sharpee; PI: Martyn Goulding, Salk Institute. Our group models how cervical spinal cord circuits control rhythmic movements, e.g. locomotion, and a wide diversity of non-rhythmic behaviors.
- U19 Project: Modeler: Aaron Milstein; PI: Ivan Soltesz; Stanford; modeling hippocampal circuits. The level of biophysical detail of our models is high. We use the simulation environment NEURON. We write mostly code in python. We run our models using collective operations enabled by MPI parallelism. Soltesz U19 Hippocampal Modeling Project Summary
- U19 Project "Oxytocin Modulation of Neural Circuit Function and Behavior", Modelers: Robert Froemke, Simon Chamberland; PI: Dick Tsien, NYU. Our group models neuromodulation of socio-spatial neural dynamics and behavior at multiple levels. At the single-cell level, we model channel biophysics, synaptic transmission and spike generation, how oxytocin is released, and how target synapses/neurons are modulated/modified to change neuronal firing mode. At the network level, we model ensemble dynamics with integrate-and-fire neurons, and model inter-areal communication to understand connectivity and cell-type contributions. Most of the modeling is done with NEURON or Matlab.
- U19 Project: Modeler: Larry Abbott, PI: Rui Costa; Columbia
- U19 Project: Modeler: Shaul Druckmann, Stanford; Richard Murray, Caltech, PI:Dickinson.
From 9/28/18 Slides (U19 Data Science Core Fall Kick-Off conference call):
- Modeler: Losert, Contact PI: Maunsell: U19 Goal: Readout and control of spatiotemporal neuronal codes for behavior; Modeling and Analysis Strategies: Based on high-dimensional inference, including Granger causality, network criticality and stability analysis, and intersection information
4/8/19 - Behtash Babadi represented project - Modelers: Paninski/Bose, Contact PI: Miller: U19 Goal: Understanding V1 circuit dynamics and computations; No information on Modeling
4/8/19 - Brent Dorion represented project - Modeler: Freund, Contact PI: Kleinfeld: U19 Goal: Reverse Engineering the Brainstem Circuits that Govern Exploratory Behavior; No information on Modeling
- Modeler: Vogelstein, Contact PI: Engert: U19 Goal: Build a multiscale biofidelic simulation of a zebrafish, leveraging nano-, micro-, and meso-scale anatomy and physiology, as well as detailed behavioral data; No information on Modeling
- Modeler: Seung, Contact PI: Brody: U19 Goal: Modeling: Manifold Inference from Neuronal Dynamics [Low, Lewallen, Aronov, Nevers, Tank, biorxiv]
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