Plenary Session 2.3 - Synergizing MSM with the future

Session DescriptionWe will briefly highlight 2023 MSM Mission statement to help set the stage to the ensuring Breakout Sessions. 

1) An overview of the 2023 MSM Mission Statement:  Bruce will provide a 5 minute overview and pause for comments.

2) Flash presentations from a breakout "lead" (1 minute/session).  Charge to Speakers: This session will outline the charge to the Breakout Sessions

Breakout 1 Digital Twins: Dr. Gary An

Breakout 2 New Mechanistic-ML Methods: George Karniadakis

Breakout 3 Sociobehavioral and Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) Models: Elsje Pienaar, Kyoko Yoshida

Breakout 4 Quantum Computing and Other Technologies for Modeling: Dr. Suvranu De

Breakout 5 Translation and Incentivization: Elena Sizikova

Slide template for this session summarizing the IMAG mission statement & breakout introductions: here

More information about the Breakout Sessions



When describing mechanistic modeling, machine learning, and AI, we should emphasize that this is an inclusive effort, and acknowledge that most data we deal with are biased (which we should try to address via data initiatives and data integration strategies).

Submitted by mjcolebank on Thu, 06/29/2023 - 12:07