Breakout 5: Translation and Incentivization

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5. Translation and Incentivization: State of Practice and Future Outlook

MSM lead: Feilim Mac Gabhann; IMAG lead: Elena Sizikova

The goal of the session is to discuss opportunities and challenges of translating into practice state of the art multi-scale modeling (MSM) tools, as well as strategies for incentivizing their successful future development. 

The following are draft topics/questions for discussion at the MSM/IMAG meeting; please comment to suggest edits or additions below.

1. R&D of new/emerging MSM tools

  • What are new and emerging MSM tools in your field, who develops them and how are these tools translated from research prototypes into practice?
  • How widely are these MSM tools adopted? How do we measure success?
  • What are the challenges with using or developing these MSM tools?
  • What MSM tools are missing and what are the hurdles in creating them?

2. Domain-Specific Opportunities and Challenges

  • What are the domain-specific opportunities and hurdles in translation of MSM tools in your research domain?
  • Are there domains in which more progress has been made, or could be made soon?
  • Are there domains in which progress is more difficult/has more obstacles?
  • To what extent is cross-domain collaboration needed and helpful?

3. Credibility, Assessment, Standards

  • How do we make credible and trustworthy MSM tools?
  • Do different organizations (e.g. academia/industry/regulatory) have different approaches to or considerations about credibility? Are there widely adopted standards that are common in your organization? (e.g., Credible Practice Rules)
  • How do academia, government, and industry set standards, and how do they work together to standardize? What mechanisms are missing/needed to facilitate such discussions?

4. Stakeholder Engagement, Translation and Dissemination

  • Who are the stakeholders for MSM tools and how do we engage them and get their feedback meaningfully and in a timely manner?
  • What technologies exist and what technologies are missing/needed for timely and effective tool dissemination? Who is (or should be) responsible for creating and maintaining these tools? (e.g., version control, data release and storage, publications/releases)


  • What are the sessions' key take-aways?
  • Open-ended discussion



FDA  Assessing the Credibility of Computational Modeling and Simulation in Medical Device Submissions

2019 MSM Translation and Dissemination meeting notes

MDIC Compuational Modeling and Simulation Committee

MDIC Industry Needs Assessment (Complete before 6/1/23)