IMAG/MSM WG Multiscale Modeling and Viral Pandemics Zoom
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Thursday September 19 at 3:00PM (EST)
The schedule for this week consists of one presentation:
Cameron Griffiths, University of Virginia, will discuss: Systems biology insights into viral heart infection susceptibility and host responses
Multiple viruses can infect the human heart and infection causes a range of outcomes from asymptomatic disease to heart failure. These outcomes are driven by patient-to-patient variation in viral susceptibility and responses to infection. In this presentation, I will highlight how data science-based systems biology approaches identify three fundamental ways human hearts respond to viral heart infection. In addition, I will describe how combining statistical modeling of RNA-protein relationships with a mechanistic model of coxsackievirus B3 infection can inform patient-specific susceptibilities to viral heart infection. Collectively, this work provides a framework for predicting and interpreting viral heart infections, which may lead to interventions that halt the progression to heart failure.
After the presentations we will have time for discussions with the speaker(s).