If you are interested in shaping future research in computational oncology, please join our next interactive virtual MicroLab on Cancer Challenges and Advanced Computing: September 25th, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET. NO TRAVEL REQUIRED.
Sponsored by: The Envisioning Computational Innovations for Cancer Challenges Community (ECICC), comprised of clinicians, cancer researchers, and computational scientists representing over 50 organizations! The ECICC community arose from a collaborative program between the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Department of Energy (DOE), Joint Design of Advanced Computational Solutions for Cancer (JDACS4C), to simultaneously accelerate advances in precision oncology and computing.
How it Works: Participants will work in small, multi-disciplinary teams - in virtual breakout groups - to create new use cases and identify critical next steps.
Read more about it and register for the MicroLab on September 25th. Help shape future research in computational oncology!
Please send the attached flyer to any colleagues who may be interested in participating. Flyer - Sept 25 MicroLab.pdf
For more information visit the ECICC Community hub site
Questions? Contact ECICCcommunity@nih.gov