Post-doctoral Research Associate
Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Yin Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison ( has an immediate opening at the postdoctoral level to pursue projects in computational biology at the interface between mechanistic modeling and machine learning. NIH and NSF funded projects span diverse application areas that include bio-electronic medicine (lower urinary tract dynamics and control), multi-scale modeling (molecular-to-cellular, tissue-to-organ), and virus-cell interactions and dynamics (including coronavirus). The position also provides opportunity to train for careers in inclusive teaching and research mentoring ( Members of historically underrepresented groups in science and engineering are especially encouraged to apply.
Applicants should have earned a Ph.D. in engineering, statistics, mathematics, biophysical science, or a related field. Strong analytical, quantitative, and programming skills, as well as proficiency in machine learning, are essential. Further requirements include: ability to effectively collaborate, work independently, meet deadlines, initiate and complete tasks without close supervision, and conduct independent analyses of qualitative and quantitative data.
Earliest Start Date: July 1, 2021
Percent Time: 100%
Salary: NIH post-doctoral level (at least $ 53,760)
To Apply: send by email (subject: post-doc opening) a CV and cover letter with contact info for 3 references to