With summer coming to a close in 3 weeks, its time to get ready for the fall. There are a bunch of workshops coming up, at least for me, the Cancer Systems Biology Consortium (https://csbconsortium.org/news-announcements/), COMBINE (standards in systems biology workshop, http://co.mbine.org/events/COMBINE_2020) and ISGSB (https://site.uit.no/isgsb/) were we can present the work we've done over the summer. Unsurprisingly, all of them are being conducted online.
If you have workshops or conferences you're going to this fall, leave a message on the IMAG wiki workshop page, https://www.imagwiki.nibib.nih.gov/news-events/relevant-meetings (under News & Events tab) and let us know. The one advantage of online conferences is that travel and often registration fees are no longer an issue and so there are far more opportunities to attend conferences, workshops or courses.
keep safe
Herbert Sauro