Abstracts deadline extended to Monday, September 13, 2021, for the Seventh Computational Approaches for Cancer Workshop (CAFCW21)!
The workshop will be held in person and virtually on November 14, 2021, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CT, in St. Louis, Missouri, in conjunction with SC21: The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis.
A special emphasis for CAFCW21 is digital twins in cancer research and care.
Who: CAFCW21 will bring together clinicians, cancer biologists, mathematicians, data scientists, computational scientists, engineers, developers, thought leaders and others with an interest in advancing the use of computation to better understand, diagnose, treat and prevent cancer.
What: An interdisciplinary workshop in which subject matter experts share their insights and challenges to foster collaborations and future innovations that will accelerate progress in computationally and data-driven cancer research and clinical applications.
When: Sunday, November 14, 2021, 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. CT
Deadline to submit abstracts: September 13, 2021
Where: at SC21, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Call for Abstracts >> ncihub.org/groups/cafcw/cafcw21/call_for_abstracts
Authors are invited to submit abstracts in English for consideration by the Program Committee. Abstracts may be submitted either as brief or extended abstracts. Brief abstracts will be considered for 15-minute presentations, while extended abstracts will be considered for presentations up to 30 minutes.
- Brief abstract guidelines—submitted in English with a length of up to 500 words.
- Extended abstract guidelines—submitted in English, structured as preliminary technical papers of a length up to four letter-size pages (not including bibliography). Please include a bibliography and use the IEEE format for conference proceedings.
Abstracts will be evaluated on originality, technical strength, integration of computational approaches and cancer research topics, general alignment to expressed cross-disciplinary aims of the workshop and anticipated interest to workshop attendees. Abstracts should also align to the workshop topic: Digital Twins in Cancer Research and Treatment.
In submitting the abstract, the authors acknowledge that at least one author of an accepted submission must register for and attend the workshop.
Abstracts should be submitted electronically through the SC21 Workshop Submissions portal. The SC21 Workshop Submission link can be found on the CAFCW21 Call for Abstracts page.
>> https://ncihub.org/groups/cafcw/cafcw21/call_for_abstracts
**NEW** Student Track **NEW**
CAFCW21 is expanding its reach by adding a focus on workforce development. As a part of this, we will be honoring students who may not traditionally attend the workshop (such as undergraduates and students from non-technical degrees) who submit accepted research. They will have a highlighted presentation, opportunities to engage with the Students@SC program, special programing focused on training and workforce development, and further awards to be announced. Submission details can be found at the following link and students will have an extended deadline of September 21, 2021. Students can submit their abstracts at https://bit.ly/CAFCW21_Students.
Workshop Overview
High performance computing (HPC) has been and will continue to be a key component of cancer research. Over the past seven years, the CAFCW has brought together cancer researchers and advanced computing scientists to share ideas and challenges, establish collaborations and identify common needs. Despite being virtual, last year’s workshop had 11 paper presentations, 17 posters and more than 130 attendees. Last year’s successful call for papers will result in a special supplement published in BMC Bioinformatics later this year. In previous years, the workshop has been at room capacity, and one of the teams that has presented the progress of its work throughout the workshop series was awarded the SC19 best paper award.
Call for Abstracts >> ncihub.org/groups/cafcw/cafcw21/call_for_abstracts
Questions? Send an email to cafcw@nih.gov