Integration : Experiment & Theory, Sustainability

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  1. What do we have to change about our culture? What is different between our work, and the fMRI community / Genomics / Protein Structure communities — how do they embrace standards? How can we do this, too?
  2. Brainstorming on new funding scheme to incentivize better coding/data sharing practices. E.g. recruit expertise from other scientific fields into Brain Initiative U19s. Career transition grants? Grants to maintain code like kilosort?


  • How can data science facilitate better integration of Experiment & Theory?
  • 40:1 ratio between researchers and data science folks. Is this sufficient or limiting? What is the sense of "adequacy" and "limitation"?
  • Should we push towards “glass-box” pipelines for ePhys and imaging?
  • What happens when the whole U19 is over? – maintenance that goes beyond active U19?
  • How can we better incentivize researchers to practice good data science?
  • How can we attract and sufficiently pay data scientists?
  • What do we have to change about our culture? What is different between our work, and the fMRI community / Genomics / Protein Structure communities — how do they embrace standards? How can we do this?
  • Brainstorming on new funding scheme to incentivize better coding/data sharing practices. E.g. recruit expertise from other scientific fields into Brain Initiative U19s. Career transition grants? Grants to maintain software?
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