WG7 report: March 2007

In March, 2007, Working Group 7 participants discussed the agenda for the upcoming MSM/IMAG meeting. A summary of the agenda is attached below.

  • Sharing and collaboration
       - Data/model sharing
               - File formats
               - Image modalities
               - Data privacy issues (HIPAA)
               - Define goals:
                       data set size, data type, annotations,
                       share model+image or model only,
                       target audience, etc.
       - Scientific collaboration
               - Identify common, domain independent interests
  • Technical issues:
       - Image enhancement, processing, and segmentation methods
       - 3D reconstruction algorithms
               - Volume reconstruction
               - Surface reconstruction
       - Validation and editing
       - Visualization
       - Computational bottleneck
  • Multiscale aspects of image and data analysis
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