Suggested Topics:
Topic: How multiscale modeling could be included in undergraduate and graduate curricula?
Topic: Community Driven Computational Medicine: Open Development/Crowd-Sourcing/Cloud Computing
Topic: FDA Approval of "models"
Topic: Should biologists be able to create and use models without modeling experts?
Topic: What do we need to do to establish credible models?
Topic: How to get organ level quantitative data for comparison with MSM?
Topic: How can we promote increased use of relational grounding in MSM research?
Topic: Is there a place for smaller (e.g., R21) grants for single investigators in multiscale modeling?
Topic: How are universities adapting policies to the current funding climate?
Topic: How can the NIH help new investigators?
Topic: Predicting Phenotype from DNA Sequence. Can we use multi-scale modeling from genomic sequence to gene expression and upwards to understand and predict pathogen behavior and disease phenotypes?
(Howard Salis)
Topic: How can IMAG encourage involvement of experts in numerical computation in multiscale modeling of biology?
Topic: DNA (Genome) Sequence, Proteome Expression, Phenotype, Clinical Outcome?
Topic: How can we come together as a community?
Topic: How do we more effectively incorporate the social and behavioral sciences into our modeling efforts?
Topic: How will the US government budget issues affect current and new grant funding?
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