Biomechanics Working Group 2012 Discussion Page

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BWG 2012 Summary & 2013 Plans


World Congress of Biomechanics 2014

Can we establish presence of IMAG/BWG during the World Congress of Biomechanics in 2014?

Congress Website(link is external)

CMBBE 2013

11th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering is in Salt Lake City, UT, USA. A special session on bridging body/joint biomechanics and tissue/cell/microstructure mechanics is a possibility. Will there be interest?

Symposium Website(link is external)

Webinar Series

What can BWG do to improve/extend the scope of the tutorial/training type series?

WG Webinar Series

National Centers for Biomedical Computing

How can we leverage them to facilitate our research, collaborate, and disseminate?

NCBC Website(link is external)


What are some research problems that we may need help from each other? Pathway to collaborations?

New Funding Opportunities

Summary of Group Discussion at MSM 2012


  • Ben Ellis
  • Ahmet Erdemir
  • Jia Lu
  • James Moore
  • ML Raghavan
  • Ed Sander
  • Kevin Shelburne
  • Abbas Shrinifirad
  • Dalin Tang


  • Ahmet Erdemir provided a summary of BWG vision and activities, including potential plans for 2013.
  • James Moore raised the potential to have additional co-leads. It was confirmed that it may be beneficial to have more co-leads, particularly to keep awareness of multiscale modeling activities in subdisciplines of biomechanics.
  • Many discussion participants, new to IMAG/MSM and BWG, showed interested in being BWG members.
  • Opportunities to organize sessions IMAG/MSM - BWG supported sessions in upcoming national and international conferences were discussed and planned to be part of 2013 activities. Ed Sander proposed recording of conference sessions for archival and dissemination in IMAG Wiki site.
  • Ahmet Erdemir raised the possibility to reach out to clinical meetings to promote utility of multiscale computational biomechanics through case studies, e.g. "What can modeling provide for clinical practice?". Possible follow-up with orthopaedic, cardiovascular, and medical device communities were identified.
  • Contribution to thematic webinars were discussed and potential speakers were identified.
  • Dalin Tang proposed publication of a special journal issue. Potential journals, e.g. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, were identified.
  • Ben Ellis asked participants' use of finite element analysis software, encouraged participants to use FEBio, developed by University of Utah group, and provide feedback.
  • Ahmet Erdemir proposed other discussion topics for 2013, including leveraging National Centers for Biomedical Computing, and biomechanics related collaboration and funding opportunities.

Action Items

  • Ahmet Erdemir will summarize the discussion and relay the message to the rest of BWG group and MSM Consortium.
  • Ahmet Erdemir will list new members in BWG wiki page and introduce them to the rest of BWG: Ellis, Lu, Raghavan, Sander, Shrinifirad
  • Ed Sander and Dan Einstein (BWG member, not available during discussions) agreed on giving webinars. Ahmet Erdemir will follow up with scheduling. Ahmet Erdemir may give a presentation on summarizing National Centers for Biomedical Computing if there is an interest.
  • Dalin Tang will explore the potential for a special issue in Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. Ed Sander may be able to help.
  • Ben Ellis and Ahmet Erdemir will follow up with CMBBE 2013 (Ben is in the organizing team) to set up a special session on multiscale biomechanics. Ahmet has already been discussing this with CMBBE 2013 organizers. Ben will also check the possibility of audio/video recording of this session.
  • Dalin Tang has already proposed a multiscale biomechanics themed session for ASME SBC 2013. This may be a good venue for BWG to tag along.
  • Ahmet Erdemir along with Jay Humphrey will follow-up possible organization of multiscale biomechanics themed symposia in World Congress 2014, including an orthopaedics track and a cardiovascular track.
  • ML Raghavan will explore if clinical cardiovascular meetings may be a good venue for reach out. Kevin Shelburne may be able to help for orthopaedics meetings, e.g. ORS. James Moore may be able to help at medical device design related meetings.
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