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1. The FP7 VPH Project preDICT started in June 2008 is due to finish in May 2011. They have just released an excellent mini documentary called Predicting drug cardiac toxicity – insight to improve drug safety which they have just posted on Youtube.

  • Please take a look at the video here.
  • Further information on preDICT:
preDICT stands for ‘Computational prediction of drug cardiac toxicity’ (preDICT) . Many drugs fail to reach the market because of side effects on the heart. The principal objective of this proposal is to create an advanced computational technology for in silico assessment of the efficacy and safety of specific drugs [ICT-2007.5.3(c) (3)], i.e. an open environment comprising validated computational models, tools and numerical methods that will enable simulations of drug actions on the electrophysiology of the human heart. For further information on preDICT please click here.
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