TMM U19 Data & Model Match for Reuse

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Data and Model Reuse event: November 13, 2020, 12-2pm ET

All Compiled Abstract Page

Compiled U19 Abstracts

Compiled TMM Abstracts

11132020 attendees


Intro and Match slides:


The BRAIN Initiative U19 Brain Circuit Program (BCP) awardees and the BRAIN Initiative Theories, Models and Methods (TMM) awardees recognized a prime opportunity to:

  1. showcase the unique data and analytical tool resources being developed by these two BRAIN initiative groups
  2. create this exercise to MATCH awardees to facilitate further inspiration between the data collectors and the data analyzers

Resources are showcased in the project pages of each BRAIN initiative project listed in the tables inside these links:

The Compiled Abstract Page will be used to allow event participants to search for their interested matches and vote


  • October 22: Abstract submission deadline, start voting
  • November 1-10:  Match processing
  • November 13: Matchmaking Meeting (12-2pm EST)

U19 awardees, please fill in this form:…

TMM awardees, please follow the instructions below

TMM Abstract template for Data-Modeling Match:

  • What is the analytical tool you have developed:  Theory, Model, Method
    1. What input do you need
    2. What are the questions you can answer
    3. What are the data specifications needed for your TMM tool?
      1. Data type
      2. Sampling frequency
      3. Species type
      4. Brain area, modality, cell type

IMAG wiki Posting Instructions - choose BASIC PAGE

  1. Answer the questions above, or post your U19 abstract
  2. Save and Submit BASIC page
  3. Copy the URL address of the page you just submitted
  4. Paste the same URL in your own TMM or U19 project pages (links below)
  5. Put at * next to your name on the front page

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Back to U19 Main Page


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