This is a reference manual for the MFAX Biological Component Library (BCL). MFAX stands for a Metabolite Flow and Exchange, and contains a set of components appropriate for chemical network models in multiple compartments with convective flow and membrane transport between those compartments. This manual provides concise and exact syntax and semantics for each component.
Each BCL component is declared in the following manner in a BCL model:
component_type name(arguments) unit;
where the unit declaration is present only when unit conversion is on and the component type requires it.
Details provided here for each component type include
- Name
- Description
- Declaration arguments
- Compatible unit
- Sub-variables
- Notes
The component types described in this manual are
- Chem
- Compartment
- Consumption
- FastReaction
- Flow
- FlowJunc
- FlowSink
- FlowSource
- FluxReaction
- Inject
- MassBalReaction
- Membrane
- Production
- Time
- TransportFlux
- TransportPS
- Comments or Questions?
- Name
- Chem
- Description
- Chemical Species
- Declaration arguments
- Compatible unit
- mole/sec
Chem A mM;
- Sub-variables
- Notes
- The name of a chemical species. Concentrations and production and consuption rates for species in system is reflected in sub-variables in many other components, but the Chem component itself has no sub-variables. In order to avoid name conflicts in concentration sub-variables, Chem names must start with a capital letter.
- Name
- Compartment
- Desc
- Uniformly mixed volume
- Declaration Arguments
- Compatible unit
- liter
Compartment region1 ml;
real vol ml; // volume of compartment real X(t) molar; // concentration of species X in compartment
- Notes
- A volume over which all chemical species have uniform concentration. The BCL author must set the volume subvariable "vol". The concentration variables X may be set (forced) explicitly, or vary based on the dynamics of the model. If the latter, the initial concentrations default to zero, but may be set otherwise via the MML when construct. If a compartment has any attached flow components (FlowSource, Flow, FlowSink), it must have exactly one inflow and exactly one outflow.
- Name
- Consumption
- Desc
- Consumption of a chemical species in a compartment
- Declaration Arguments
- Compartment, Chem
- Compatible unit
Consumption Q1(C1, A);
real flux(t) mole/sec; // consumption rate
- Notes
- Consumption of a Chem within a Compartment as determined the sub-variable flux, which has no default and must be constrained by the BCL author. JSim attempts to protect concentrations from going negative by forcing zero consumption at zero concentration. However, numeric instabilities in the ODE solvers may sometimes result in negative concentrations. To avoid this, it is recommended that "flux" values ramp smoothly to zero at zero concentration. Negative "flux" values will result in production the species within the compartment. Exact units of the rate variable depend on the units for the related Chem, Compartment and Time variables.
- Name
- FastReaction
- Desc
- Fast Chemical Reaction
- Declaration Arguments
- Compartment, Equation
- Compatible unit
FastReaction R1(C1, "X+Y=2Z");
real k(t); // equilibrium constant
- Notes
- A reaction that equilibrates instantaneously compared to any MassBalReactions, FluxReactions and intercompartmental exchanges in the system. The sub-variable k may be thought of as equivalent to kf/kb in a MassBalReaction. k has no default value, and must be constrained by the BCL author. Multiple FastReactions may be specified, however, the instant equilibration constraint makes it possible to overspecify a system in this way, so the BCL author must be careful. JSim will reject overspecified models. JSim can run into numeric trouble in cases where there are multiple molecules on both sides of a FastReaction and one or more of the concentrations become zero, however this problem is probably more theoretical than practical. Nevertheless, work on this issue continues.
- Name
- Flow
- Desc
- Flow between two Compartments or FlowJunctions
- Declaration Arguments
- two Compartments and/or FlowJunctions
- Compatible unit
Flow F2(C1, C2);
real flow(t) liter/sec; // rate of flow real X(t) mole/liter; // conc. of Chem X in this flow
- Notes
- Flow from 1st argument into 2nd argument. The flow and concentration sub-varibles are informational only, and should not be constrained by the BCL author.
- Name
- FlowJunc
- Desc
- Flow Junction
- Declaration Arguments
- none
- Compatible unit
FlowJunc J1 liter;
real Xwgt(t); // output flow fraction in flow X real Y(t) molar; // outflow concentraion of Chem Y
- Notes
- A volumeless junction of 2 or more flows, useful for splitting or combining flows. At least one input flow and at least one output flow must be attached. The Xwgt variables (where X is the name of an output Flow, FlowSource or FlowSink), collectively determine the fraction of flow to each output. All Xwgts default to 1, so unless the BCL author constrains them, flow will be distributed equally to all outputs.
- Name
- FlowSink
- Desc
- Flow Sink
- Declaration Arguments
- one Compartment or FlowJunction
- Compatible unit
FlowSink F3(C2);
real flow(t) liter/sec; // rate of flow real X(t) molar; // conc. of Chem X in this flow
- Notes
- Drainage of flow from component, flow disappears from system. The flow and concentration sub-varibles are informational only, and should not be constrained by the BCL author.
- Name
- FlowSource
- Desc
- Flow Source and/or regulator
- Declaration Arguments
- one or two Compartments or FlowJunctions
- Compatible unit
- liter/sec
FlowSource F1(C1) liter/sec; FlowSource F2(C2,C1) liter/sec;
real flow(t) liter/sec; // rate of flow real X(t) mole/liter; // conc. of Chem X in this flow
- Notes
- With one argument, provides system flow source. With two arguments, provides system flow regulator. The "flow" sub-variable must be constrained by the BCL author. The concentration variables are informational only, and should not be constrained. Introducing a concentration in a FlowSource is usually done by attaching one or more Inject components to it.
- Name
- FluxReaction
- Desc
- Flux-based Chemical Reaction
- Declaration Arguments
- Compartment, Equation
- Compatible unit
FluxReaction R1(C1, "X+Y=2Z");
real flux(t) mole/sec; // reaction flux
- Notes
- A chemical reaction whose actions are determined by a flux variable which may be positive or negative. The flux variable has no default and must be constrained by the BCL author. Care should be taken so that the flux variable is not positive if the reactant concentrations are zero, and not negative if the product concentrations are zero.
- Name
- Inject
- Desc
- Injection
- Declaration Arguments
- FlowSource, Flow or FlowSink plus a Chem
- Compatible unit
Inject I1(F1, A);
real flux(t) mole/sec; // injection rate of the Chem
- Notes
- An injection of a Chem into a flow (FlowSource, Flow or FlowSink) as determined by the sub-variable "flux" which has no default and so must be constrained by the BCL author. "flux" units are calculated from those of Time and the specified Chem (e.g. if Time has unit "hour" and Chem has unit "mM", "flux" will have unit "mmol/sec"). Neat, huh?
- Name
- MassBalReaction
- Desc
- Mass Balance Chemical Reaction
- Declaration Arguments
- Compartment, Equation
- Compatible unit
MassBalReaction R1(C1, "X+Y=2Z");
real kf(t); // forward equilibrium constant real kb(t); // backward equilibrium constant
- Notes
- A chemical reaction whose actions are determined by forward and backward rate constants (kf and kb). Units for kf and kb will vary depending upon the form the chemical equation, which must be in quotes. Spacing does not affect the chemical equation. Both kf and kb must be constrained by the BCL author, since neither has a default value.
- Name
- Membrane
- Desc
- Membrane between two compartments
- Declaration Arguments
- Compartment1, Compartment2
- Compatible unit
Membrane M(C1, C2);
- Sub-variables
- Notes
- A Membrane defines the topologic relationship between two compartments. A membrane implies no calculations in itself, but serves as an attahchment point for Transport components.
- Name
- Production
- Desc
- Production of a chemical species in a compartment
- Declaration Arguments
- Compartment, Chem
- Compatible unit
Production Q2(C2, A);
real fluw(t) mole/sec; // production rate
- Notes
- Production of a Chem within a Compartment. This is the same as the Consumption component, except with the sign of the rate subvariable reversed. See Consumption .
- Name
- Time
- Desc
- Time, that eternal, ever-unfolding stream of existence.
- Declaration Arguments
- Compatible unit
- second
Time t second;
real min second; // minimum value for time real max second; // maximum value for time real delta second; // time grid spacing int ct; // # points in time grid
- Notes
- Defines the name for system time, which is represented as an evenly spaced grid. There must be exactly one Time declaration in a MFAX model, and it must be the first declared component. Units for min, max and delta sub-variables are same as for Time component itself. The model must constrain min, max and either delta or ct. For those familiar with MML, Time is a realDomain component with additional semantics.
- Name
- TransportFlux
- Desc
- Flux mediated Transport across a Membrane
- Declaration Arguments
- Membrane, Chem
- Compatible unit
TransportFlux T1(M, A);
real flux(t); // flux in moles/time
- Notes
- Cross-membrane transport as determined by sub-variable flux.
- Name
- TransportPS
- Desc
- PS mediated Transport across a Membrane
- Declaration Arguments
- Membrane, Chem
- Compatible unit
TransportPS T1(M, A);
real PS(t) liter/sec; // permiability*surface area
- Notes
- Cross-membrane transport as determined by sub-variable PS, which has units compatible with liter/sec that are determined by those of Time and the first Compartment attached to the Membrane.
Comments or Questions?
Model development and archiving support at provided by the following grants: NIH U01HL122199 Analyzing the Cardiac Power Grid, 09/15/2015 - 05/31/2020, NIH/NIBIB BE08407 Software Integration, JSim and SBW 6/1/09-5/31/13; NIH/NHLBI T15 HL88516-01 Modeling for Heart, Lung and Blood: From Cell to Organ, 4/1/07-3/31/11; NSF BES-0506477 Adaptive Multi-Scale Model Simulation, 8/15/05-7/31/08; NIH/NHLBI R01 HL073598 Core 3: 3D Imaging and Computer Modeling of the Respiratory Tract, 9/1/04-8/31/09; as well as prior support from NIH/NCRR P41 RR01243 Simulation Resource in Circulatory Mass Transport and Exchange, 12/1/1980-11/30/01 and NIH/NIBIB R01 EB001973 JSim: A Simulation Analysis Platform, 3/1/02-2/28/07.