Hill Equation for O2 binding binding to hemoglobin
The Hill Equation assumes instantaneous equilibrative binding of oxygen to Hb, but if there is delay due to diffusion or a membrane barrier, then the reaction is slowed. Antonini and Brunori (1971) and Frauenfelder (Austin et al 1975; Mourant et al 1993) showed that the rebinding of O2 to Hb involved a family of rate constants (including a fractal scaling region) and the the reaction was complete in less than 50 msec. In a related program "HbO.Hill.slow" we apply a trick, surrounding the Hb with a barrier to allow accounting for slow rates of association and dissociation, and which gives a fairly realistic sccounting for O2 exchange across RBC membranes. AV Hill's empirical description of the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve was based on data before the van Slyke apparatus for measuring the content of O2 in blood equilibrated with air at known PO2 and PCO2 was developed. The simplicity of the equation led to its wide utility, even though it is too low at saturations below 30% (a region not often visited physiologically). Other models, Adair's, Severinghaus', etc. offer improvements over this two parameter power law relationship.
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