Transdermal ethanol transport, Ethanol diffusion through the skin

Model number

  The kinetics of ethanol transport from the blood to the skin surface are
incompletely understood. We present a mathematical model to predict the
transient exchange of ethanol across the skin while it is being absorbed
from the gut and eliminated from the body. The model simulates the
behavior of a commercial device that is used to estimate the blood alcohol
concentration (BAC). During the elimination phase, the stratum corneum
of the skin has a higher ethanol concentration than the blood. We studied
the effect of varying the maximum BAC and the absorption rate from the
gut on the relationship between BAC and equivalent concentration in the
gas phase above the skin. The results showed that the ethanol concentration 
in the gas compartment always took longer to reach its maximum,
had a lower maximum, and had a slower apparent elimination rate than
the BAC. These effects increased as the maximum BAC increased. Our
model’s predictions are consistent with experimental data from the
literature. We performed a sensitivity analysis (using Latin hypercube
sampling) to identify and rank the importance of parameters. The analysis
showed that outputs were sensitive to solubility and diffusivity within the
stratum corneum, to stratum corneum thickness, and to the volume of gas
in the sampling chamber above the skin. We conclude that ethanol
transport through the skin is primarily governed by the washin and
washout of ethanol through the stratum corneum. The dynamics can be
highly variable from subject to subject because of variability in the
physical properties of the stratum corneum.


Schematic showing a cross-section of skin next to a device for measuring supradermal ethanol concentration. Ethanol entering the system via the blood diffuses through the epidermis and stratum corneum before entering the gas compartment and is removed from the system by convective gas flow(V˙ ). A differential length (dx) was used for mathematical analysis. Pa, Pc, Pe, Pg, Ps, arterial, capillary, epidermal, gas, and stratum corneum ethanol partial pressures, respectively.
Figure: Schematic showing a cross-section of skin next to a device for measuring supradermal ethanol concentration. Ethanol entering the system via the blood diffuses through the epidermis and stratum corneum before entering the gas compartment and is removed from the system by convective gas flow(V˙ ). A differential length (dx) was used for mathematical analysis. Pa, Pc, Pe, Pg, Ps, arterial, capillary, epidermal, gas, and stratum corneum ethanol partial pressures, respectively.



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Key terms
Transdermal ethanol transport
blood alcohol concentration
fuel cell
skin alcohol

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