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Luxendo to TeraStitcher Image Converter

Description & purpose of resource

LuxendoToTeraStitcherConverter (LTC) is a tool that converts the Luxendo microscope format into the TeraStitcher format.

Data Structure Converter: Luxendo to TeraStitcher

The LTC changes both the folder structure of scanned tiles (from Luxendo to TeraStitcher) and the image format of tiles (from hdf5 to tif) making it possible to stitch the images acquired with Luxendo LSFM models (MuVi-SPIM and LCS-SPIM) with the TeraStitcher software. There is also the possibility of applying image processing operations over the scanned tiles to improve the signal to noise ratio of the acquisition through several contrast stretching strategies (intensity mapping, histogram equalization, CLAHE, etc).

Contrast Stretching

Moreover, the tool enables to generate pseudo-stitched whole brain images on-the-fly during the scanning day to check whether the quality of the labeling and several settings are the right ones (the overlap between tiles and the spatial boundaries of the scan that keeps the whole brain on frame). This is essential at the time of exploring a fast test-scan that can take 1 hour before performing the full-scan that takes around 2 days.



Spatial scales
This resource is currently
likely to be usable without detailed knowledge of its internals
Has this resource been validated?
How has the resource been validated?

This tool has been tested with whole brain data from mice.

BRAIN TMM, image format converter, Luxendo, Terastitcher, stitching, mouse whole brain
Table sorting checkbox
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