The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) is the leading interprofessional association for simulation professionals. SSH has 3,700 international members, including physicians, nurses, technologists, professors and other specialists advocating healthcare simulation application in education, practice and research.
The SSH Healthcare Systems Modeling & Simulation Affinity Group (HSMSAG) was founded in 2013 to connect professionals who use constructive and computational M&S technology in healthcare systems and human factors engineering, modeling in biological systems. The HSMSAG engages the broad community via face to face meetings, website, YouTube webinar and LinkedIn communications.
The HSMSAG will organize the SSH Modeling & Simulation Forum, January 12-13, 2018 in Los Angeles, preceding IMSH. The Forum will engage stakeholders in exploring the broader science and engineering application of M&S within healthcare. It will provide a venue to facilitate dialogue between practitioners, trainers, researchers, vendors and policy makers from healthcare and engineering communities.
On May 3, 2:30pm EST, we will host a Twitter Chat to discuss content ideas for the #SSHForum. Please join us to share your ideas.