The Committee on Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare (CPMS) was honored to give a webinar in May at the ROSA Worldwide Webinar Series: Impact of Modeling & Simulation in Drug Development on May 17, 2018. THe topic of the webinar discussed the application of our ten simple rules for promoting credibility of modeling and simulation in healthcare.
Abstract: Computational modeling and simulation (M&S) has the potential to play a critical role in precision medicine and personalized healthcare. However, there are few formalized processes and procedures to support the credible use of M&S in healthcare and biomedical research, limiting their adoption. To address this gap, the Committee on Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare (CPMS) was established under the Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group (IMAG) and the Multiscale Modeling (MSM) Consortium, which includes representatives from government agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, NASA, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. One of CPMS’ primary goals is to develop “The Ten Simple Rules of Credible Practice of M&S in Healthcare.” These rules were derived via synthesis of the Committee’s expertise in this domain and by surveying the global stakeholder community to ensure a balanced representation of interests and perspectives concerning credible practice of M&S in healthcare. This presentation will introduce these rules, present two case studies (modeling heart valves and bone remodeling) to demonstrate their value, and discuss strategies for incorporating these rules into workflows.
Lealem Mulugeta is currently Chief Scientist and Executive Director of InSilico Labs, LLC and Director of Medalist Fitness, LLC and Co-founder of CPMS. His current business ventures are focused on translation of biomedical, computational and engineering research to enable individualized healthcare and peak performance. Prior to his venture with InSilico Labs and Medalist Fitness, Lealem worked at NASA as the Project/Lead Scientist of NASA's Digital Astronaut Project (DAP). The DAP was dedicated to implementing well-validated computational models to help predict and assess spaceflight health and performance risks, and to enhance the development of health risk countermeasure. During his tenure with the DAP, Lealem played a strong role in the development and implementation of standardized methods for verification, validation and credibility assessment of NASA’s biomedical computational models.
Andrew Drach is an Executive Committee Member of CPMS. He is currently a Senior Research Fellow in the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin and was previously the Assistant Director of the Center for Cardiovascular Simulation at the Institute. Andrew’s research focuses on computational materials science and biomedical engineering, examining the biomechanics of growth and remodeling of biological tissues, multi-scale modeling of materials, and chemo-mechanical behavior materials. He is currently a co-chair of the BMES Special Interest Group on Medical Devices.
Webinar Recording:
Lealem Mulugeta -
Andrew Drach -