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Activities to Promote New Research Collaborations through supplements to existing NCI grants.

Through the NCI-APRC program, the NCI encourages requests for supplemental funding in FY2009 for existing NCI-funded research projects to support and encourage new multidisciplinary scientific collaborations among NCI grantees, as well as with other members of the scientific community. The NCI-APRC Program can support novel collaborative activities in cancer biology, cancer control and population sciences, cancer surveillance, cancer prevention, health services and outcomes research, and cancer treatment and diagnosis that bring together new ideas and approaches from disparate scientific disciplines.


NCI FOAs related to multi-scale modeling

Bridging the Gap Between Cancer Mechanism and Population Science (U01)

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications for projects that bridge biological mechanism to population level scales. By incorporating insights and data from one end of the cancer research spectrum into the framework of the other, projects should be able to cross-validate data gathered at different scales, and explore links between basic biology, population science, and potential health applications in treatment, prevention, diagnosis, and/or screening. Proposed projects should pose a challenging cancer research question that can be addressed by connecting these two ends of the research spectrum that would be difficult to address or explain through biological or epidemiological investigation alone. Only a single cohesive project integrating aspects from these two areas is allowed in each application.
Application Due Date: March 8, 2013; October 4, 2013; etc.
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Physical and Engineering Sciences in Oncology (PESO)

In FY 2012, NSF in collaboration with the Office of Physical Sciences-Oncology (OPSO) of the National Cancer Institute will accept and review investigator-initiated proposals related to the application of physical and engineering sciences knowledge towards understanding cancer diseases.
Full Proposal Deadlines: February 15, 2012
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The Integrative Cancer Biology Program (ICBP): Centers for Cancer Systems Biology (CCSB)

Through this funding opportunity announcement (FOA), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) solicits applications for Centers for Cancer Systems Biology (CCSB). CCSBs will be the core of a continued Integrative Cancer Biology Program (ICBP). The goal of the ICBP is to stimulate the development and application of integrative systems approaches and mathematical/computational modeling to cancer research. This re-issuance seeks to continue those efforts, with explicit emphasis on the development of predictive computational modeling. CCSBs proposed in response to this FOA must be designed to address an overarching cancer biology problem and must include three integrated components: (1) experimental systems biology; (2) mathematical modeling and/or computer simulation (both focused on a common basic or translational research area); and (3) educational and outreach efforts complementary to the goals of the center. Funded CCSBs will be expected to interact within the ICBP consortium and with other NCI programs, sharing resources, knowledge, and skills. The overall goal is to establish critical focus of interdisciplinary research that will develop and utilize systems approaches coupled with mathematical modeling to facilitate the understanding and management of cancer.

Collaborations with the Integrative Cancer Biology Program

The funding opportunity "Collaborative Research in Integrative Cancer Biology and the Tumor Microenvironment" will encourage new collaborative projects between investigators associated with the Integrative Cancer Biology Program (ICBP) or Tumor Microenvironment Network (TMEN) and researchers who are not involved in either of these two programs. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is designed to facilitate new projects in integrative cancer biology and/or tumor microenvironment research and to extend current research conducted in the ICBP and TMEN programs through collaborations with a broader research com

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