MSM Projects, Special Issues, Reports, Newsletters

Multiscale Modeling U01 Projects

Current Special Issues in Process

Special Issues and Publications from the MSM Consortium

Workshop Reports

2019 BMES presentation by Rusty Irving, GE Global Research


2019 ASGE EndoVators Summit: simulators and the future of endoscopic training

2019 NSF-Math report on Rules of Life Workshop


2019 DOE Basic Research Needs for Scientific Machine Learning: Core Technologies for Artificial Intelligence

2018 Simulation Research in Gastrointestinal and Urologic Care-Challenges and Opportunities: Summary of a National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Workshop


2009 IMAG Futures Meeting, The Impact of Modeling on Biomedical Research - Final Report:


Relevant PAPERS


National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) Bimonthly Newsletters

Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) Institute Newsletters

Society for Mathematical Biology Newsletters