JSim CellML Models Page
This page allows users to run models from the CellML model archive under JSim. To run these models online, you must have Java installed on your computer. To run them in JSim on your own computer, download the model code and the JSim application. Either way, see Running JSim for instructions on how to use JSim. Since CellML models do not specify simulation time length or delta, these must be set by the user before running the model.
Users are strongly advised to read Running CellML Models under JSim before running CellML models under JSim.
Currently available models
- Number of CellML v1.0 models in the archive: 910
- Number of those models runnable under JSim: 840
- Number of those models passing unit balance: 698
- Models not passing unit balance are indicated by
Displaying 201 - 220 of 486
CML0204 : Cardiac sodium channel Markov model with temperature dependence and recovery from inactivation
- irvine_jafri_winslow_1999:
- irvine_jafri_winslow_1999: [View MML]
CML0205 : A Polyconvex Anisotropic Strain-Energy Function for Soft Collagenous Tissues
- itskov_ehret_mavrilas_2006:
- itskov_ehret_mavrilas_2006: [View MML]File: itskov_ehret_mavrilas_2006.mod does Not exist!
CML0206 : Mechanisms of Abnormal Calcium Homeostasis in Mutations Responsible for Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
- iyer_hajjar_armoundas_2007:
- iyer_2007_ss: [View MML]
CML0207 : A computational model of the human left-ventricular epicardial myocyte
- iyer_mazhari_winslow_2004:
- iyer_mazhari_winslow_2004: [View MML]
CML0208 : Cooperative Effects Due to Calcium Binding by Troponin and Their Consequences for Contraction and Relaxation of Cardiac Muscle Under Various Conditions of Mechanical Loading
- izakov_katsnelson_blyakhman_markhasin_shkylar_1991:
- izakov_katsnelson_blyakhman_markhasin_shkylar_1991: [View MML]
CML0209 : Cardiac Ca2+ Dynamics: The Roles of Ryanodine Receptor Adaptation and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Load
- jafri_rice_winslow_1998:
- jafri_rice_winslow_1998_a: [View MML]
- jafri_rice_winslow_1998_b: [View MML]
CML0210 : A Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal System Model: Full Model
- jelic_cupic_kolaranic_2005:
- jelic_cupic_kolaranic_2005: [View MML]
- jelic_cupic_kolaranic_2005_Fig4: [View MML]
- jelic_cupic_kolaranic_2005_Fig5: [View MML]
CML0211 : A model for integrative study of human gastric acid secretion
- joseph_zavros_merchant_kirschner_2003:
- joseph_zavros_merchant_kirschner_2003: [View MML]
CML0212 : A theoretical model of type I collagen proteolysis by matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 2 and membrane type 1 MMP in the presence of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2
- karagiannis_popel_2004:
- karagiannis_popel_2004: [View MML]
CML0213 : Distinct modes of collagen type I proteolysis by matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 2 and membrane type I MMP during the migration of a tip endothelial cell: insights from a computational model
- karagiannis_popel_2006:
- karagiannis_popel_2006: [View MML]
CML0214 : Influence of viscosity on myocardium mechanical activity: a mathematical model
- katsnelson_nikitina_chemla_solovyova_coirault_lecarpentier_markhasin_2004:
- katsnelson_2004a: [View MML]
- katsnelson_2004b: [View MML]
- katsnelson_2004c: [View MML]
CML0215 : Diffusion Induced Oscillatory Insulin Secretion
- keener_2001:
- keener_2001: [View MML]File: keener_2001.mod does Not exist!
CML0216 : Ryanodine Receptor Adaptation and Ca2+-Induced Ca2+ Release-Dependent Ca2+ Oscillations
- keizer_levine_1996:
- keizer_levine_1996: [View MML]
CML0217 : A Mathematical Model on Germinal Center Kinetics and Termination
- kesmir_deboer_1999:
- kesmir_deboer_1999: [View MML]
CML0218 : Quantification of short term signalling by the epidermal growth
- kholodenko_demin_moehren_hoek_1999:
- kholodenko_demin_moehren_hoek_1999: [View MML]
CML0219 : Modeling immunotherapy of the tumor-immune interaction
- kirschner_panetta_1998:
- kirschner_panetta_1998: [View MML]
CML0220 : A Model For Treatment Strategy In The Chemotherapy Of AIDS
- kirschner_webb_1996:
- kirschner_webb_1996: [View MML]File: kirschner_webb_1996.mod does Not exist!
CML0221 : Time-dependent transients in an ionically based mathematical model of the canine atrial action potential
- kneller_ramirez_chartier_courtemanche_nattel_2002:
- kneller_ramirez_chartier_courtemanche_nattel_2002: [View MML]File: kneller_ramirez_chartier_courtemanche_nattel_2002.mod does Not exist!
CML0222 : Modelling Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium APTase and its Regulation in Cardiac Myocytes
- koivumaki_2009:
- koivumaki_takalo_korhonen_tavi_weckstrom_2009_reduced_myocyte_lo: [View MML]
- koivumaki_takalo_korhonen_tavi_weckstrom_2009_reduced_myocyte_sh: [View MML]
- koivumaki_takalo_korhonen_tavi_weckstrom_2009_standalone: [View MML]
CML0223 : Mathematical model of paracrine interactions between osteoclasts and osteoblasts predicts anabolic action of parathyroid hormone on bone
- komarova_2005:
- komarova_2005: [View MML]