JSim Kegg Models Page

This page allows users to run about 72,000 biochemical models from the Kegg Pathways Database under JSim. Each model consists of a single pathway for a single organism. 126 pathways and 825 organisms are represented, although no single organism has all possible pathways.

To run these models online, you must have a Java plugin installed in your WWW browser. To run them in JSim on your own computer, download the model code and the JSim application. Either way, see Running JSim for instructions on how to use JSim. The SBML models do not define the forward and backward reaction rate constants, so these must be specified by the user before running the models.

The models presented here were released by KEGG on Aug 9, 2008. See here for details.

Return to complete JSim model archives.

Displaying 68461 - 68480 of 72095

vch00564 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00592 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00600 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00620 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00624 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00626 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00630 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00632 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00633 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00640 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00641 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00642 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00650 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00660 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00670 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00680 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00710 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00720 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00730 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1
vch00740 : Unknown pathway for Vibrio cholerae O1