This page allows users to run curated models from the Biomodels Database under JSim. To run these models online, you must have a Java plugin installed in your WWW browser. To run them in JSim on your own computer, download the model code and the JSim application. Either way, see Running JSim for instructions on how to use JSim. Since these models do not specify simulation time length or delta, these must be set by the user before running the model.


  • Models on this page require JSim version 2.03 or higher.
  • JSim does not yet support SBML events. Those models containing SBML events will show warnings in the translated MML source code.
  • Updated curated EMBL-EBI Biomodels on 24, April 2019.

Return to complete JSim model archives.

Currently available curated models

Terms of use

  • Number of models in this archive: 710
  • Number of models currently runnable under JSim: 643
  • Number of runnable models containing unsupported events: 130

Displaying 281 - 300 of 710

BIO0281 : Chance1960 Glycolysis Respiration
BIO0282 : Chance1952 Catalase Mechanism
BIO0283 : Chance1943 Peroxidase ES Kinetics
BIO0284 : Hofmeyer1986 SeqFb Proc AA Synthesis
BIO0285 : Tang2010 PolyGlutamate
BIO0286 : Proctor2010 - a link between GSK3 and p53 in Alzheimer's Disease
BIO0287 : Passos2010 DNAdamage CellularSenescence
BIO0288 : Wang2009 - PI3K Ras Crosstalk
BIO0289 : Alexander2010 Tcell Regulation Sys1
BIO0290 : Alexander2010 Tcell Regulation Sys2
BIO0291 : Nikolaev2005 AlbuminBilirubinAdsorption
BIO0292 : Rovers1995 Photsynthetic Oscillations
BIO0293 : Proctor2010 - UCHL1 Protein Aggregation
BIO0294 : Restif2007 - Vaccination invasion
BIO0295 : Akman2008 Circadian Clock Model1
BIO0296 : Balagaddé2008 E coli Predator Prey
BIO0297 : Ciliberto2003 Morphogenesis Checkpoint
BIO0298 : Leloup1999 CircadianRhythms Drosophila
BIO0299 : Leloup1999 CircadianRhythms Neurospora
BIO0300 : Schmierer2010 FIH Ankyrins