This page allows users to run curated models from the Biomodels Database under JSim. To run these models online, you must have a Java plugin installed in your WWW browser. To run them in JSim on your own computer, download the model code and the JSim application. Either way, see Running JSim for instructions on how to use JSim. Since these models do not specify simulation time length or delta, these must be set by the user before running the model.


  • Models on this page require JSim version 2.03 or higher.
  • JSim does not yet support SBML events. Those models containing SBML events will show warnings in the translated MML source code.
  • Updated curated EMBL-EBI Biomodels on 24, April 2019.

Return to complete JSim model archives.

Currently available curated models

Terms of use

  • Number of models in this archive: 710
  • Number of models currently runnable under JSim: 643
  • Number of runnable models containing unsupported events: 130

Displaying 401 - 420 of 710

BIO0401 : Ayati2010 BoneRemodelingDynamics NormalCondition
BIO0402 : Ayati2010 BoneRemodelingDynamics WithTumour
BIO0403 : Ayati2010 BoneRemodelingDynamics WithTumour+DrugTreatment
BIO0404 : Bray1993 chemotaxis
BIO0405 : Cookson2011 EnzymaticQueueingCoupling
BIO0406 : Moriya2011 CellCycle FissionYeast
BIO0407 : Schliemann2011 TNF ProAntiApoptosis
BIO0408 : Hettling2011 CreatineKinase
BIO0409 : Queralt2006 MitoticExit Cdc55DownregulationBySeparase
BIO0410 : Wegner2012 TGFbetaSignalling FeedbackLoops
BIO0411 : Heiland2012 CircadianClock C.reinhardtii
BIO0412 : Pokhilko2012 CircClock RepressilatorFeedbackloop
BIO0413 : Band2012 DII-Venus FullModel
BIO0414 : Band2012 DII-Venus ReducedModel
BIO0415 : Mellor2012 LipooxygenasePathway
BIO0416 : Muraro2011 Cytokinin-Auxin CrossRegulation
BIO0417 : Ratushny2012 NF
BIO0418 : Ratushny2012 SPF
BIO0419 : Ratushny2012 SPF I
BIO0420 : Ratushny2012 ASSURE I