JSim Consolidated Model Database
Showing 251 - 300 of 433 models found. [New Search]
NSR0265 (in NSR archive): Comp2FlowMRIContrast
Model for analysis of NMR contrast agents from MRI signal from an organ region of interest (ROI)
Model for analysis of NMR contrast agents from MRI signal from an organ region of interest (ROI)
- Key terms: Transport physiology, Flow, compartmental, NMR contrast agent, functional MRI, Gadolinium, flow estimation from residue curves, permeating GdTPA, GdDpta polylysine, myocardial blood flow hetergeneity, regional tissue blood flows, capillary-tissue exchange, CTEX, interstitial fluid space, Tutorial
- Comp2FlowMRIContrast
NSR0267 (in NSR archive): Comp3FlowExch
Three compartment model for plasma (p), interstitial fluid (ISF) and parenchymal cell (pc)
Three compartment model for plasma (p), interstitial fluid (ISF) and parenchymal cell (pc)
- Key terms: Compartment, compartmental, flow, exchange, mixing chamber, permeability, PS/F, washout, inflow-outflow operator, plasma, ISF, parenchymal cell, Tutorial
- Comp3FlowExch
NSR0271 (in NSR archive): PG_Isomerase
Single substrate single product reversible enzymatic reaction with parameters for phospho-gluco isomerase in erythrocytes (Ref 1)
Single substrate single product reversible enzymatic reaction with parameters for phospho-gluco isomerase in erythrocytes (Ref 1)
- Key terms: Transport Physiology, Chemical Reaction Enzymes, Enzymatic Reaction, Single Enzyme, Reversible, Michaelis-Menten Kinetics, Briggs-Haldane Kinetics, Tutorial, PK-PD, Pharmacokinetics
- PG_Isomerase
NSR0272 (in NSR archive): CTEX10
Models a capillary consisting of N compartments. Explores sensitivity analysis and optimization and details the Monte-Carlo GUI for robust estimates of parameters, confidence limits and covariance.
Models a capillary consisting of N compartments. Explores sensitivity analysis and optimization and details the Monte-Carlo GUI for robust estimates of parameters, confidence limits and covariance.
- Key terms: CTEX, CTEX10, convection, diffusion, capillary, compartment, plasma, sensitivity, optimization, Tutorial, Monte-Carlo, Monte, Carlo, montecarlo, MonteCarlo, Monte Carlo
- CTEX10
NSR0274 (in NSR archive): Osm.Uncoupled2
Uncoupled, independent fluxes of water and of 2 solutes, across a membrane separating 2 stirred tanks equipped with columns above each to provide observable column heights as measures of their pressures.
Uncoupled, independent fluxes of water and of 2 solutes, across a membrane separating 2 stirred tanks equipped with columns above each to provide observable column heights as measures of their pressures.
- Key terms: Two ideal solutes, compartment, water and solute exchange uncoupled, passive transmembrane exchanes independent, tutorial
- Osm.Uncoupled2
NSR0275 (in NSR archive): Comp1EnzReact4
Four sequential, first-order enzymatic reactions S P with substrates binding to enzymes, and reversible product formation.
Four sequential, first-order enzymatic reactions S P with substrates binding to enzymes, and reversible product formation.
- Key terms: Transport Physiology, Chemical Reaction Enzymes, Enzymatic Reaction, Single Enzyme, Reversible, Michaelis-Menten Kinetics, Briggs-Haldane Kinetics, OneEnzReversible, PGIsomerase, Progress3.Enz, Tutorial
- Comp1EnzReact4
NSR0277 (in NSR archive): CTEX20_5path
Multipath Capillary-tissue exchange unit accounting for intra-organ flow heterogeneity.
Multipath Capillary-tissue exchange unit accounting for intra-organ flow heterogeneity.
- Key terms: CTEX20, BTEX20, Compartmental, Stirred Tanks, mulitpath model heterogeneous flow, vascular dispersion, optimization for determining PDFs of regional flows, tutorial
- CTEX20_5path
NSR0278 (in NSR archive): shbo2_buerk
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve calculated using Buerk's equation. The equation contains a term dependent on Temp, CO2, DPG, and pH.
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve calculated using Buerk's equation. The equation contains a term dependent on Temp, CO2, DPG, and pH.
- Key terms: hemoglobin, oxygen, carbon dioxide, saturation, Haldane, Bohr, acidity, pH, blood gases, DPG, Hill equation, Aldair, solubility, cooperativity, Data
- shbo2_buerk
NSR0279 (in NSR archive): PoreTransport
Permeability and reflection coefficient for a hard spherical solute, radius rs,through a cylindrical pore, radius rpore. Hydrodynamic calculation from Bassingthwaighte 2006, corrected 2012
Permeability and reflection coefficient for a hard spherical solute, radius rs,through a cylindrical pore, radius rpore. Hydrodynamic calculation from Bassingthwaighte 2006, corrected 2012
- Key terms: porous transport, hydrodynamic molecular radius, cylindircal pore size, capillary permeability, convection, diffusion, interstitial matrix, molecular exclusion, osmotic water and solute fluxes, particle flow in fluids, steric hindrance, Spiegler frictional coefficients, Kedem Katchalsky, Publication, Data, Tutorial
- PoreTransport
NSR0280 (in NSR archive): Aspirin
Salicylic acid (SA) clearance for three different dose ranges is modeled as an enzyme reaction. Model parameters are optimized and Monte-Carlo analysis is performed to robustly quantify parameter estimation, variance and covariance with other parameters in the presence of noisy data..
Salicylic acid (SA) clearance for three different dose ranges is modeled as an enzyme reaction. Model parameters are optimized and Monte-Carlo analysis is performed to robustly quantify parameter estimation, variance and covariance with other parameters in the presence of noisy data..
- Key terms: aspirin, salicylic acid, Enzyme, clearance, covariance, confidence limits, optimization, Data, Tutorial, Monte-Carlo, Monte, Carlo, montecarlo, MonteCarlo, Monte Carlo, monte-carlo
- Aspirin
NSR0283 (in NSR archive): Comp1FlowDecayPlus
Models single compartment with inflowing and outflowing concentration of a single substance which undergoes decay.
Models single compartment with inflowing and outflowing concentration of a single substance which undergoes decay.
- Key terms: Course, compartment, compartmental, tutorial, flow, decay, clearance, Comp1FlowDecay, Comp1FlowDecayPlus, Comp1FlowDecayPhysiologicalVersion
- Comp1FlowDecayPlus
NSR0287 (in NSR archive): BTEX40_Augmented
Models a tissue cylinder consisting of four regions: plasma, interstitial fluid, endothelial cells, and parenchymal cells.
Models a tissue cylinder consisting of four regions: plasma, interstitial fluid, endothelial cells, and parenchymal cells.
- Key terms: BTEX40, PDE, convection, diffusion, permeation, reaction, distributed, capillary, plasma, isf, interstitial fluid, endothelial, parenchymal, cell, augmented, visual interface
- BTEX40_Augmented
NSR0288 (in NSR archive): MID4ode
A model for triple-labeled indicator dilution experiments in a four compartment model.
A model for triple-labeled indicator dilution experiments in a four compartment model.
- Key terms: 4 region, albumin, blood, BTEX10, BTEX20, BTEX40, capillary, cell, compartment, confidence limits, convection, Crone-Renkin, diffusion, dilution, endothelial, exchange, extracellular, extraction, indicator, interstitial fluid, isf, MID4ode, MID4pde, multiple, multi-tracer, optimization, parenchymal, permeant, permeation, plasma, PS, reaction, sucrose, tissue, tritiated water, vascular
- MID4ode
NSR0289 (in NSR archive): LongTailFractal
Fit the long tailed vascular output curves using N decaying exponentials where the ratio of the decay rates is constant and the ratio of the amplitudes is also constant.
Fit the long tailed vascular output curves using N decaying exponentials where the ratio of the decay rates is constant and the ratio of the amplitudes is also constant.
- Key terms: Longtail, long tail, washout, albumin, optimization, fractal, exponential, indicator dilution
- LongTailFractal
NSR0290 (in NSR archive): LongTail
Two, three, or four decaying exponentials are used to fit the long tails on indicator dilution curves for vascular tracers, e.g. albumin, by joining a multi-exponential function to a probability density curve representing a bolus injection.
Two, three, or four decaying exponentials are used to fit the long tails on indicator dilution curves for vascular tracers, e.g. albumin, by joining a multi-exponential function to a probability density curve representing a bolus injection.
- Key terms: Longtail, long tail, washout, albumin, optimization, fractal, exponential, indicator dilution
- LongTail
NSR0291 (in NSR archive): LongTailPowerLaw
Fit the long tailed vascular output curves using N decaying exponentials where the ratio of the decay rates is constant and the ratio of the amplitudes is also constant.
Fit the long tailed vascular output curves using N decaying exponentials where the ratio of the decay rates is constant and the ratio of the amplitudes is also constant.
- Key terms: Longtail, long tail, washout, albumin, optimization, fractal, exponential, indicator dilution
- LongTailPowerLaw
NSR0292 (in NSR archive): MID4pde
A model for triple-labeled indicator dilution experiments in a four region tissue exchange model.
A model for triple-labeled indicator dilution experiments in a four region tissue exchange model.
- Key terms: reaction, distributed, capillary, plasma, isf, interstitial fluid, endothelial, parenchymal, cell blood, tissue, exchange, extraction, crone-renkin, PS, BTEX10, BTEX20, BTEX40, optimization, confidence limits, vascular, extracellular, permeant, MID4, multi-tracer, albumin, sucrose, tritiated water
- MID4pde
NSR0293 (in NSR archive): MID4ctex
A model for triple-labeled indicator dilution experiments in a CTEX (distributed compartment) model with 4*N compartments.
A model for triple-labeled indicator dilution experiments in a CTEX (distributed compartment) model with 4*N compartments.
- Key terms: 4 region, albumin, blood, CTEX10, CTEX20, CTEX40, capillary, cell, compartment, confidence limits, convection, Crone-Renkin, diffusion, dilution, endothelial, exchange, extracellular, extraction, indicator, interstitial fluid, isf, MID4ode, MID4pde, multiple, multi-tracer, optimization, parenchymal, permeant, permeation, plasma, PS, reaction, sucrose, tissue, tritiated water, vascular
- MID4ctex
NSR0294 (in NSR archive): shbo2_hill_kelman
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve calculated using a simple Hill equation and Kelman's equation which is a modified Adair equation to take into account temperature, CO2 and pH.
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve calculated using a simple Hill equation and Kelman's equation which is a modified Adair equation to take into account temperature, CO2 and pH.
- Key terms: hemoglobin, oxygen, dissociation curve, saturation, Haldane, blood gases, Hill equation, Adair, cooperativity, Data, p50
- shbo2_hill_kelman
NSR0295 (in NSR archive): Circ.Windkessel3
Three-element windkessel model with a connecting inductor in parallel (W4P), in series (W4S), and with a low-resistance Rc, in series with a viscoelastic windkessel (IVW).
Three-element windkessel model with a connecting inductor in parallel (W4P), in series (W4S), and with a low-resistance Rc, in series with a viscoelastic windkessel (IVW).
- Key terms: aortic characteriastic resistance, viscoelastic windkessel, electrical analogue, pulsatile ascending aortic flow, systemic arterial compliance, connecting an inductance, multi-models
- Circ.Windkessel3
NSR0298 (in NSR archive): LinearRegression
One program generates noisy data and another program calculates the linear regression using the Y fractional error.
One program generates noisy data and another program calculates the linear regression using the Y fractional error.
- Key terms: linear regression, Y on X, X on Y, time series, correlation, geometric mean regression, orthogonal distance, generate noisy data, noisy
- LinearRegression
NSR0299 (in NSR archive): Btex20_comp2
Axially distributed 2-region capillary-tissue exchange operator and analogous 2 compartment model.
Axially distributed 2-region capillary-tissue exchange operator and analogous 2 compartment model.
- Key terms: 2-compartmental model, stirred tanks with exchange, passive permeation, mixing chamber, entrance discontinuity, ODE, zero dimensional axially distributed convection diffusion exchange model, one dimensional PDE
- Btex20_comp2